For Baby Biotechs, "a Dangerous Time"
From post:
"Veteran VC Bob Higgins explains why he expects failures among the crop of startups 'caught at $200 million and $300 million valuations' "
Law blog of Pittsburgh business and technology attorney Anthony Cerminaro, focused on law, biotechnology, bioengineering, bioinformatics, genomics, biometrics, biotech and other life sciences topics
From post:
"Well-heeled investors poured billions into young biotech companies last year, powering overall start-up investing to its first annual increase in four years. The venture-capital investments underscore the growing interest in the emerging biomedical industry, which is creating treatments for cancer and other diseases.
Patents are a vital component of any biotechnology company. They serve to protect markets, indicate R&D strength, and require careful planning to balance their benefits and costs. Read this article from for strategies to protect inventions, and save money.
"Monsanto's "seed police" snared soy farmer Homan McFarling in 1999, and the company is demanding he pay it hundreds of thousands of dollars for alleged technology piracy. McFarling's sin? He saved seed from one harvest and replanted it the following season, a revered and ancient agricultural practice.
Want to learn more about starting, building, growing and managing a biotechnology company? Get your virtual MBA in biotechnology through this e-seminar from
"Pennsylvania Bio will be a catalyst to ensure Pennsylvania is a global leader in the biosciences by developing a cohesive community that unites the region's biotechnology, pharmaceutical, research, and financial strengths.
"While certainly not the article to illustrate many of the misconceptions about genetically modified foods, this one does an effective job of presenting all the arguments in one coherent piece. An excellent explanation of how essentially all the foods we eat are genetically modified, and why molecular biology techniques are actually safer than the previously practiced alternatives."
"It's already started - now that California has passed Prop. 71 to allow for $3B to go toward stem cell research over 10 years, other states are sprinting to offer funding for stem cell research within their borders. For the most part, these states fear a drain to California of companies and scientists. "
"A new private investment group, Life Science Angels (LSA; Palo Alto, California), has been formally launched, back- ed by what it termed 15 'exclusive sponsors.' LSA was founded by life science executives and angel investors Allan May, Casey McGlynn and Greg Scott.
"The revolution in information technology in Silicon Valley has flourished because of opportunities for public-private partnerships and for private investment. Its success has fueled, in turn, reconsideration of the right formula for technology governance globally.
" Licensing products and technology platforms is an integral part of many biotechnology company business plans. There are many important legal, business, and scientific considerations in developing successful licensing agreements. Here's some guidance."
"Taking the right steps to initiate a biotechnology venture can avoid future problems and save time and resources. These articlesprovide an overview of important topics in starting and growing your biotechnology company. "